Monday, July 03, 2006

Rafts of Otter - Elkhorn Slough

One of the best things on our kayaking trip to Elkhorn Slough was seeing the Otters. We were lucky to see large rafts of otters numbering more than 2o. They were comprised of mothers and pups. Some of the moms carried their pups on their bellies. Other singles were playing and eatting.

The first picture is of an otter doing circles in the water.

Please do not flush your cat litter in the toilet. The otters are dying of diseases related to cats. The theory is cat owners are flushing cat litter in toilets and it's washing out to Elkhorn where the otters come in contact with the litter and catch the disease. We saw several otter carcus in the rocks. Please help save the otters!

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