Sunday, February 12, 2006

EAL at Bandalier

During our trip to New Mexico there were a few places that we wanted to visit. Cliff dwellings was near the top. In California, we do not get the sense of our Native American history, do to the lack of Native American remains and dwellings. We were not dissapointed with a visit to Bandalier State park. The park is located at the site of a Native American cliff dwelling village. We were able to climb wooden ladders into the living quarters, caves. Inside we could see the blackened ceiling from the fires and grinding stones. We also saw many drawings etched intoEAL at Bandalier the rocks. The location seemed ideal for a village. There was a water source nearby and I can imagine plentiful game to kill. The location was secluded and difficult for the Apaches as well as the encroching white man to find them.

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